Welcome to, the destination for all your workplace issues. As a thought leader, I tackle topics such as diversity and inclusion, employee well-being, and putting an end to toxic work cultures. This blog features content from the Punk Rock HR Podcast, the “Betting On You” book, and the upcoming “Corporate Drinker” book and show.

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5 Ways You Can Help the Author in Your Life

There’s nothing more challenging for an author than writing a book — except creating a marketing campaign, grappling with the nuances of public relations, and asking people to buy the damn thing. Do you know how many authors like to talk about themselves or ask for a favor? None. As a recent author, I can…

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Would You Fire Marjorie Taylor Greene?

Let’s pretend you’re a CEO and you’ve been asked to mediate a conflict at your local office. An employee who embraces internet conspiracy theories and carries guns to work is stalking her colleague. You might wonder — How bad is it? Is this overblown? You ask HR to pull the security footage and see that…

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We Need to Talk About Resilience

Organizational psychologists, workplace gurus, and leadership consultants are weaponizing our suffering. They want to fool us into believing that there’s something noble and courageous about being resilient. Here are some examples of things they earnestly said and wrote in 2020: ∙ Frontline workers demonstrated incredible resiliency during the pandemic. ∙ Doctors and nurses who worked…

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How HR Should Handle the Return to Work

You’re going back to work. Don’t believe me? Okay, maybe you have a progressive CEO, and your work-from-home days aren’t numbered. Still, your friends and neighbors will head back to the office once vaccines are available to children ages 12-15 and mask mandates are lifted in your municipality. Why are corporations reverting to pre-pandemic work…

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collaboration to make meaningful change.

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The impact of outdated HR practices: Learn about the history and effects of old HR methods that promote racism, sexism, and homophobia. Find out how to confront and eliminate all harmful biases in your organization.

Improving employee experience: Understand the importance of employee well-being and satisfaction. Discover strategies for creating a supportive workplace that values people as much as profits.

Improving Work: Investigate new solutions to enhance workplace practices, from embracing technology to implementing the best motivational psychology. Be inspired to create positive changes in your organization and beyond.

The lighter side of life: Enjoy some fun moments with personal thoughts on punk rock music, travel tips from a seasoned road warrior, and heartwarming animal rescue stories.

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