Welcome to, the destination for all your workplace issues. As a thought leader, I tackle topics such as diversity and inclusion, employee well-being, and putting an end to toxic work cultures. This blog features content from the Punk Rock HR Podcast, the “Betting On You” book, and the upcoming “Corporate Drinker” book and show.

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Connect & Grow HR Coaching Program

Hello friends! With nearly 30 years in the HR space and a deep-rooted passion for people and their work, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the field has evolved and adapted. I’ve been there in the trenches with you, navigating every challenge that comes with this dynamic profession. I’ve also been on the other side of the…

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Degrees and Skills: A Harmonious Future

In a post-COVID workscape, we must continue to expand our understanding of education. Traditional university degrees have historically been the gold standard for preparing young minds for the workforce. But a growing narrative emphasizes skills-based learning as a more practical, immediate solution to the demands of an ever-changing job market. It has, unfortunately, bred the…

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Promoting Your CHRO: A Strategy for National Recognition

Promoting Your CHRO: A Strategy for National Recognition In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, a Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) can contribute significantly more than just their internal role. By projecting their expertise, insights, and core values, they can earn national recognition and become champions for change, contributing to the organization’s reputation and the broader…

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I believe in the power of conversation and
collaboration to make meaningful change.

Whether you’re an HR professional, employee, or interested in the future of work, we invite
you to join our community and participate in the discussion. Join the exploration of:

The impact of outdated HR practices: Learn about the history and effects of old HR methods that promote racism, sexism, and homophobia. Find out how to confront and eliminate all harmful biases in your organization.

Improving employee experience: Understand the importance of employee well-being and satisfaction. Discover strategies for creating a supportive workplace that values people as much as profits.

Improving Work: Investigate new solutions to enhance workplace practices, from embracing technology to implementing the best motivational psychology. Be inspired to create positive changes in your organization and beyond.

The lighter side of life: Enjoy some fun moments with personal thoughts on punk rock music, travel tips from a seasoned road warrior, and heartwarming animal rescue stories.

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