Welcome to, the destination for all your workplace issues. As a thought leader, I tackle topics such as diversity and inclusion, employee well-being, and putting an end to toxic work cultures. This blog features content from the Punk Rock HR Podcast, the “Betting On You” book, and the upcoming “Corporate Drinker” book and show.

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stress dreams

Stress Dreams

I’m in the middle of pretty big changes in my life. I’m no longer working as an HR blogger. I’m not doing HR consulting. I’m trying to launch my nascent software company. And there’s always something going on with one of my cats. Right now, Emma has a hernia. You know, of course, my cat…

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Calm Down #CSODConf17

Hey, guys. I’m getting ready for my Facebook Live experience in San Diego, next week. So it’s important to calm down and communicate from a place of strength and power instead of going on stage and being a nervous idiot. My friend, Ita Olsen, is my coach. And she let me record our relaxation exercises.…

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I believe in the power of conversation and
collaboration to make meaningful change.

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The impact of outdated HR practices: Learn about the history and effects of old HR methods that promote racism, sexism, and homophobia. Find out how to confront and eliminate all harmful biases in your organization.

Improving employee experience: Understand the importance of employee well-being and satisfaction. Discover strategies for creating a supportive workplace that values people as much as profits.

Improving Work: Investigate new solutions to enhance workplace practices, from embracing technology to implementing the best motivational psychology. Be inspired to create positive changes in your organization and beyond.

The lighter side of life: Enjoy some fun moments with personal thoughts on punk rock music, travel tips from a seasoned road warrior, and heartwarming animal rescue stories.

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